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Training & Technology

One of the BIGGEST reasons people leave organizations is lack of training.

At BiG, we understand that comprehensive training is essential for the success of our agents and the satisfaction of our clients. That’s why we have developed a well-structured training program that is continuously evolving to meet the needs of our agents and keep pace with the latest industry trends and technologies. Here’s an overview of our training approach:

Online Self-Paced Training

Our online, self-paced training platform offers agents the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience. With access to a comprehensive library of resources, agents can acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to their roles and responsibilities in the insurance industry.

Classroom Training

In addition to online training, we conduct live classroom training sessions at our local offices on a regular basis. These sessions complement the online training by providing agents with hands-on role-play opportunities and live sales call experiences. Our classroom environments are designed to be engaging, energetic, and packed with essential learning materials to ensure agents are equipped with the knowledge they need to succeed.

One-On-One training

We recognize that online and classroom training may not be sufficient to fully develop agents’ skills and confidence. That’s why we offer live, one-on-one training and mentoring sessions to ensure agents have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Whether it’s over the phone in a call center or face-to-face in the field, our experienced trainers provide personalized guidance and support to help agents refine their skills and feel confident when interacting with clients.

Nationwide Zoom Training

We understand the importance of providing comprehensive training opportunities to our agents, regardless of their location. That’s why we offer nationwide Zoom training sessions to ensure that all agents have access to valuable learning experiences, no matter where they are located. Here’s how our nationwide Zoom training works:

At BiG, we are committed to investing in the professional development of our agents and providing them with the resources they need to excel in their roles. By offering a variety of training options, including online self-paced training, classroom sessions, and one-on-one mentoring, we empower our agents to deliver exceptional service and achieve success in their insurance careers.

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